Deutsch-Land-Volk / Die Welt                                

German-State-People / The World                                                                                                      


Graduate engineer (FH) Dietmar (G.) West

Eschenbacher Str. 26
D-73037 Goeppingen

Dietmar West founded modern psychology on the basis of natural laws. This also turned psychology into a natural science!

Dietmar West is the founder of modern psychology, which is based on the natural law description of the processes of life and of experience and behavior. He discovered several natural laws that determine life and experience and behavior.
The corresponding descriptions can be found at the addresses or and or

In addition, Dietmar West founded THE SCIENCE OF NATURE (NATURAL SCIENCE) and he is the first person who discovered and proved the affiliation of MATHEMATICS to natural science as part of it. Read "THE FOUNDATION OF NATURAL SIENCE - by Dietmar (G.) West" at (or released on April 13 2022.

This Homepage: or

Due to the laws of nature discovered by Dietmar West, the science of life, experience and behavior (psychology) is comparatively at least on the level of physics after the discoveries of Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 – March 31, 1727).

Dietmar West, discoverer of several laws of nature that affect human life, experience and behaviour, guarantees for his treatises such as The Principle of All Life, The Basic Law of Psychology, The Post-Biological Development Process of Homo sapiens s., etc., that they represent and describe natural-law-contexts.

Such a guarantee of the representation of only natural-law-contexts should also express that today - in the twenty-first century - the officially taught science of man (mainly in the sense of psychology - experience and behaviour) basically only offers speculations. Well-known people and institutions are behind it and they are not ashamed of not giving better knowledge a chance. Better and best knowledge has little chance in our society, because here there are state cliques that understand their task, among other things, in preventing absolute (natural law) truth from arising. The consequences of this are that the highest level of the state disseminates or promotes errors and lies (e.g. television companies and their programs with their advisory boards, experts, reviewers, etc.) in order to distract from the truth or to cover it up. Another consequence is that better or best knowledge is ignored.

Even today, the representation (publication and official recognition) of natural law is subject to censorship by the "ruling scientists" who sit in the state institutes (also in German state television such as ARD, ZDF, 3sat, etc.) and are not capable to recognize  true contexts. Instead of this they provide speculative or for most people irrelevant knowledge in their blabber broadcasts, such as the "black holes" with Prof. Harald Lesch, which are light years away.

The censorship of better knowledge in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) today consists in ignorance: in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) today better knowledge is given no chance to be recognized by those who represent the state (governors and rulers)! These state representatives include the institutes and "scientists" ruling in science, who ignore the scientists who produce outstanding results but do not belong to the official administrative apparatus of the FRG. The ruling scientists, with the support of the ruling politicians and their policies, commit crimes against all people, that is, against humanity, because they have a right to receive the latest knowledge, even if the rulers don't like it. It is a crime against the people - against their own and against foreign peoples, what the rulers (today) are doing in science. As usual, the people themselves do not notice this because they are misled and fed with alternative knowledge, à la philosopher Gert Scobel, David Precht or black hole specialist Prof. Harald Lesch, etc.

So the meanness of the rulers and rulers has not been abolished, they have only taken on other forms! ("Woe to you that you are a grandson." - Goethe in Faust).

Some of the ruling people and institutions who commit crimes of the kind described here, I have in the homepage on the page named.

Furthermore, one can say that the psychology that is officially taught today is still a naïve "science" because it does not take into account laws of nature and largely teaches speculations.
Natural laws, as they describe the basic law of all life, the basic law of psychology and other laws, the lawfulness of mental and emotional states and their change and determine the experience and behavior of people, are not considered.

Offer to collaborate on further publications


For the purpose of further publication, I am looking for a publisher who will publish for example a non-fiction book with me on the NATURAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY.
Through the natural laws of experience and behavior that I have discovered, some of which I have published on the homepages, but some of which I have not yet published, I can also give the guarantee here that it can be a work "like the world before has never seen". If you are interested in working together in this direction, please contact me without obligation.

Dietmar West
Eschenbacher Str. 26
73037 Göppingen

    Presented:  08. February 2021,

    2021: Further edited (added)
    June 2021: "Dietmar West is the founder of the modern psychology"
    her edited (added)
    June 2021: "Dietmar West is the founder of the modern psychology"

           Dietmar West